Eco Resort

Restaurant & Hotel

We are completing construction the restaurant and hotel for your next visit to the beautiful mountain forests in El Salvador as you have probably seen @murphslife on X, instagram, tiktok, youtube, or facebook. Murphslife Foundation non-profit purchased this land in 2022 to build a hotel and farm.

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Fine-dining high in the clouds looking over the Santa Ana Volcano and beautiful El Salvador coast line.

Stop by on your tour through the mountains for your morning coffee and taste the highest quality exclusive coffee grown in our community. Share a pupusa with a friend and pay it forward for someone in need. Order a seed to cup cocktail and take it out on our deck while listening to the birds and relaxing music.

Walk the botanical gardens after your meal to discover the secret abudance of this volcanically rich soil.

Our restaurant is due to open in the second half of 2024.

Botique Hotel & Glamping

Stay in luxury in the clouds looking over the national forest, volcano, ocean and sunset.

Watch a beautiful lightning storm out of the floor to ceiling windows as it passes through the Los Naranjos mountain valley.

Take a tour of a local coffee farm and meet the people who have grown award winning coffee for generations, or climb a volcano, visit a hot spring, or explore Bitcoin Beach.

Volunteer to do community service and get your hands dirty building trails, planting exotic fruit and vegitables.

Our hotel rooms are scheduled to open in the second half of 2024.

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